How Does Spring Weather Affect Indoor Air Quality?

Now that spring has rolled around, you may be tempted to open your windows and let that fresh breeze into your home. This may seem like a good idea at first glance; however, once you learn how spring affects your indoor air quality, you may second guess yourself. With that being said, let’s go over how spring weather affects your indoor air quality.
Does Outdoor Air Quality Affect Indoor Air Quality?
Even if you refrain from opening your windows, your indoor air quality is almost always going to reflect certain aspects of the outdoor environment. For example, if you live in Florida, which is the most humid state in all of the U.S., you will have some level of humidity in your home. Open windows or not, every home has spots where the insulation will fail to regulate everything.
Does Opening Windows Improve Air Quality?
If you are going to experience the outdoor air quality anyways, then why not commit to opening your windows and doors during the day? Many homeowners pursue this line of thinking; however, this also has its problems. Opening your window allows pollutants to enter your home, such as pollen, mold, and dust. Breathing this in constantly can lead to long-term health issues, so it is imperative that you control what is entering your home.
Improving Your Indoor Air Quality During the Spring
Regulating what you are breathing in during the spring will let you get back to enjoying the weather and activities the season brings. Investing in an air purification system that keeps your lungs happy is the first step to improving your air quality.
Other things that you can do to improve your indoor air quality include: Scheduling a ventilation inspection to make sure it is working properly and being careful about what sort of cleaners and chemicals you are spraying in your home. When you are spring cleaning or spraying your home to keep bugs away, make sure that you won’t be exposing yourself to any toxic fumes beforehand.
How can Air Quality Assessors help?
Mold, dust, and other pollutants lower your indoor air quality and weaken your immune system. If you notice that you have a problem with mold or mildew in your home, it’s best to enlist the help of a professional. Contact AQA if you have any questions or concerns about mold in your home or business. With their combination of experience and knowledge, you can be sure that our team will handle everything properly.