How to Avoid Common Asthma Triggers

Asthma triggers are everywhere, which can often make managing your asthma inconvenient and difficult. The first step toward controlling your reactions is to possess a basic understanding of what triggers asthma and how to avoid those things.
What Are The Most Common Asthma Triggers?
Asthma triggers will vary depending on your asthma type and severity. However, many people with asthma possess multiple triggers. Let’s look at some of the more common ones.
1. Dust
Dust mites are perhaps the most common asthma trigger, simply because it is difficult to entirely eliminate dust. Make sure to change your furnace filters regularly and vacuum carpets, upholstery, and mattresses often.
2. Pollen
We often associate Pollen with allergies, but it can also trigger asthma. Asthma attacks generally increase as the season changes. Try to stay indoors and improve your indoor air quality as much as possible.
3. Mold
Mold spores can cause serious health issues and should be avoided by those with and without asthma. If you suspect there might be mold in your home, schedule a mold inspection as soon as possible.
4. Exercise
Physical activity places a strain on your lungs, causing difficulty breathing. This could trigger an asthma attack so make sure you carry your asthma attack plan with you and any medications you’ve been prescribed.
5. Smoke
Fire smoke, cigarette smoke, tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes, etc. can all worsen asthma symptoms as well as harm you overall health. Avoid smoke and other air pollutants as much as possible.
6. Pets
Pet hair and dander are often buried deep in carpets or become airborne, irritating your lungs when ingested.
7. Bugs
Not only are cockroaches dirty little bugs, but did you know that their droppings can trigger an asthma attack? The same goes for rats, mice and other rodents.
8. Infections
Regular viruses, respiratory infections, or diseases can worsen your asthma symptoms.
How Can You Manage Your Asthma Triggers?
If you have been diagnosed with asthma, your doctor probably has you track your asthma triggers. Work with your doctor to develop a plan for medication, tracking triggers, and maintaining data. Make sure that your indoor air quality is the best it can be. Good air quality is crucial, especially if you or a family member suffer from respiratory illnesses.
Ways to Improve Air Quality
The good news is that indoor air quality can be improved.
- Clean Your Home Regularly.
- Change Your Air Filters.
- Schedule Regular Maintenance of Your HVAC System.
- Schedule A Professional Air Quality Assessment.
Managing your asthma triggers is the first-line defense against chronic respiratory disease. Consult with your doctor about other ways you can take control of your health and avoid asthma attacks.
AQA is dedicated to serving homeowners by taking the correct steps to solve air quality issues. We provide Moisture Evaluations, Leak Detection, Mold And Allergy Testing, VOC Testing, And More. With our Services, you will be able to a clear picture of the issue at hand and we will make sure you understand all the steps you need to take to remedy the situation. With our years of experience making air quality the best it can be, you can trust in our expertise. If you have questions or would like to schedule an Air Quality Assessment, call us today.