How To Know If Your Air Quality Is Safe

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June is National Healthy Homes Month. This serves as a reminder of the importance of air quality in your home. Did you know that American spend nearly ninety percent of their time indoors on average? To thrive and stay healthy, it’s vital to begin with adequate household air quality.

The risks of poor air quality

If there are harmful substances in the house, like mold or any other organic or chemical pollutants (VOC’s), health conditions can arise. Your symptoms could be as simple as nagging, persistent respiratory irritation. With repeated exposure, it can be as serious as cancer or cardiovascular issues. If there are children or immune compromised individuals in the household, it becomes that much more of a pressing issue. These groups are more likely to become negatively affected by poor air quality.

Know the signs of bad air quality

There are some signs you can look out for to give you a better idea if you need to get the quality of your air tested. Is anybody in the home experiencing unexplained allergies or a sudden change in health? It could be a reaction to a pollutant in the house. Perhaps you’ve recently dealt with a flood or household leak and smell a musty odor, but you’re not sure where it’s coming from. There could be a mold issue lurking in an unseen spot such as behind the walls or underneath floorboards. Simply being curious about the overall safety of your home is reason enough to get your air tested!

steps to take

If you’re concerned about the quality of your air and want to get it tested, there are options to consider. There are home testing kits available online which offer a convenient starting point. The most common kits test for mold, radon, and other VOCs. If your test results show poor indoor air quality, don’t panic! There are different steps you can take immediately. You can ventilate the area, balance the humidity level with a dehumidifier, and change the filters on your furnace and air conditioner.

why call a professional

Regardless of how bad your air quality issue is, it’s always the best idea to get in touch with a professional as soon as you can. Air quality test kits can give you a general idea of the issue. However, you won’t truly know the severity of the damage until an expert evaluates the problem at hand. Plus, if you don’t understand the kit completely, you could get false results. From dust mites to tobacco smoke and pesticides, there are a lot of potential sources of pollutants in a home. This can make it hard to narrow down the source of the issue.

Professional air quality assessors can accurately diagnose the problem and give you the best plan of action to fix the issue as soon as possible. You will feel great peace of mind when you’re completely informed about the quality of the air in your home! Get in touch with a professional, such as Air Quality Assessors, today for steps you can take to make sure the air is the best it can be for the health of your family.

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