How To Prepare Your Home For Hurricane Season

Updated May, 2020
Living in a climate like Florida where severe weather is common creates challenges for homeowners. It’s important to know how to prepare your home for hurricane season! Any effort that you put into storm-proofing your house will help when it comes to the safety of your family and structural integrity of the home. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting a busy Atlantic hurricane season in 2020. Read more below on how you can best prepare for this year’s season.
Hurricane aftermath
There are plenty of issues that can occur with the damage storms bring. Even the best drainage systems and foundations can get overwhelmed with the amount of water brought in with a hurricane. Water getting into the home can weaken drywall, soak insulation and carpet. This creates the perfect conditions for mold to grow. The longer you have standing water in a home, the more potential there is for long-term damage. Furniture, electrical systems, and appliances can get ruined with any amount of water exposure. If you don’t have one already, consider buying a generator for when the electricity gets knocked out. Make sure you know how to use beforehand too!
How to prepare
Preparing a home for hurricane season should be a top priority for homeowners in Florida. First, be sure to review any insurance policies that are in place so you’re not left in the dark. Does your policy cover damage from a flood that follows a big storm? Storm guard your home by cleaning gutters and placing storm shutters on windows. Re-caulking windows and doors add another layer of protection against water damage. You can also install bolts on entry doors to protect against high wind. Since your roof is the biggest opening within the home, you want to make sure it’s secure as possible. It’s worth it to spend the extra money to seal your roof deck and fasten hurricane clips to the roof and walls. Remember, any lawn decorations or patio furniture can become airborne during a storm, so place them in a secure spot before the winds pick up.
Post hurricane steps
The most important thing to do when you’re dealing with damage from a hurricane is to get in touch with a professional as soon as possible. There are some simple measures you can take to alleviating a problem such as removing excess water and airing out the area. But, nothing replaces the skill and expertise of professionals. You can learn more about how to detect damage and steps to take by reviewing some information we’ve written on the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.