The Assignment of Benefits: The Fight Continues

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What is assignment of benefits?

The Assignment of benefits has been in use for over 100 years. In recent efforts, insurance companies have been trying to eliminate the use of the Assignment of Benefits to alleged “abuse” and “misuse” of the AOB (Assignment of Benefits). We agree that the abuse needs to stop. There are a select few companies and individuals that use the AOB to their benefit and not for the best interest of the clients. We believe the AOB should only be used to benefit homeowners and create a fair playing field for all trusting contractors in our industry.

importantce of the AOB

The use of the Assignment of Benefits ensures that homeowners are able to keep their rights in choosing who their contractors are when dealing with emergency situations (flood, fire, mold). With the elimination of the Assignment of benefits, the insurance companies would be in full control of what company works on a home, how much money is spent, and the time it takes to complete a job. Representatives, lobbyists, and company owners including Richie Kidwell of Air Quality Assessors are working tirelessly to ensure that only just laws are passed and that homeowners and their rights are protected.

In this featured article, Todd Copeland from the Sun Sentinel explains the most recent happenings with the Assignment of Benefits.

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